WWII welder laser-etched watercolor

Octopus Mask
Last minute halloween costume in 2016. Made in 2 days with a bunch of scrap cardboard. Laser cut some parts and hand fab’d the rest. Finished by using spray-on drywall texture and then spray paint. The weight ...

Synth build
I decided to build a synthesizer based off of BleepLab’s Nebulophone, with some aesthetic upgrades and a few tonality tweeks. It’s such a fun little synth I’m working on an SMD version. Board design by ...

Etextiles, NorthSkirt + StarBoards

Planet Labs residency
I was honored to be invited to be an artist in residence at PlanetLabs. Planet Labs is creating a network of micro imaging satellites, with a goal of taking a complete picture of the earth, every ...

Leather Experiments
Leather-especially vegetable tanned leather- is a fascinating material: food safe, ultra tough and long lasting *and* compostable, moldable with water, ability to go from super flexible to very hard with heat hardening, easily made water-resistant (even ...

Digital joinery and woodworking experiments
Experiments in how digital design and fabrication, CNC and lasers, can change how we look at woodworking and joinery.

Hybrid skull modeling experiments
Experiments in combining the anatomy of animal and human skulls. Inspired by evolution and how we see recognition of humanoid characteristics and intelligence. Combined both with automation and by hand and yielding some fantastical horrors ...

Dialogues in Motion
A performance game and interactive installation, created in collaboration and installed at SFMoMA, and then Portland Museum of Art. From the press release: This performance game functions as a reverse version of charades. Created by ...

Laser-etched watercolor
Etched-line watercoloring is a technique I developed during my artist residency at Pier 9/Autodesk, using a laser cutter to etch watercolor paper before painting it. I love melding classic and new techniques and tools, in a ...


Steel-toed bunny slippers
For the fashionable and safety-conscious shop dweller.Made during my artist-in-residency at Autodesk. Want to build them yourself? Full Instructable can be found here.

Me, every day
In 2015 I did a self portrait a day for a month, using various mediums. Here are some of my favorites.

When I Come to Shore
Watch the music video! A kinetic and painted piece built as part of my residency at Pier9/Instructables. I designed the kinetic movement and designed most of the pieces in TinkerCad, an online CAD program, and ...

Oak and Rosewood side table
This table was created during my tenure at the Artist in Residency program at Pier9/instructables. Quarter sewn oak with rosewood inlay.


Kinetic, rideable bicycle instrument. Riding it strummed the strings via a series of levers, and the shifters were repurposed to clamp on the neck with brakes, making ‘chords’.

Safety Third Bronze Pendants
I crashed my car, KC, after a cross-country trip. I made the best of things; out of lost wax casting and bronze.

Kinetic Heart for The Man
A piece I created in 2008 using the KMODDL online design library, laser cut wood parts, and waterjet cut cam mechanisms. Powered by a geared down, high-torque DC motor and mounted in the heart of ...

I was interviewed by MAKE Magazine in 2011 about my NorthSkirth and StarBoards.

Penrose Quilt
An exercise in geometry, laser cutting, quilting, and patience. Demo’d at the Exploratorium Featured Makers in 2012. 2 years work and counting. Penrose tiling is an an aperiodic tiling with the additional property that it does not ...

100 Adams
For the 2013 Comic-Con I helped Adam Savage make costumes for a flash mob…of himself.

Drawings & Sketches

SteamPunk Tree House
I was a volunteer for the Steampunk Treehouse, a Black Rock Arts Foundation grant recipient in 2007. I was a welder on the branches at American Steel in Oakland, and put together the tire swing ...

Timpani Lambada
Timpany Lambada was a large-scale, grant-winning fire sculpture by the Flaming Lotus Girls. My good friend Margaret Long, the art lead of the project, contacted me to created reactive sculpture at the ground level of ...

Wave was a grant-winning sculpture built for exhibition at Coachella 2012. I was approached to design the patterns that would adorn the sculptures’ sides, plasma cut out of sheet steel and welded into great columns. ...

In 2011, I received a grant from the San Francisco chapter of the Awesome Foundation to make a scarf a day, every day, for a month. I supplemented the grant with a Kickstarter, and got ...